An amateur photographer with a passion for capturing images across all genres.
Born in Melbourne, Australia. I began my photography journey early in life via a series of point and shoot cameras. Although I seemed to always have a camera with me, I wasn't really focused on it as a passion and I eventually moved on to other things in my life.
However, after a break of more than 20 years I returned to photography via the purchase of a Pentax digital camera in the mid to late 2000's.....a purchase made purely on a whim that has ignited a passion in me that now burns fiercely. 
Since 2012 I have been shooting regularly and exercising an insatiable appetite for knowledge in this space with ongoing study, reading, seminars and attending many many workshops with the view of improving the quality of my images.
In 2014 I committed to a 365 project which got me out shooting everyday and despite being a serious challenge it helped rekindle the joy of just getting out and capturing images which only added fuel to the fire that I hope is never extinguished.
So to today. 
I have moved from my trusty Pentax to Nikon and I shoot almost exclusively full frame using a number of bodies with a Nikon Z9 being my go to. A superb piece of kit that is so customisable and flexible. Currently my back up body is a Nikon D850.
In recent years I have begun to explore Sports Photography with a focus on Motorsports. I continue to centre my attention on improving all elements of my photography with long exposure photography (using ND filters - NiSi), Drone Photography and the extremely challenging space of Bird Photography as my one wood.
Finding this passion at my age is a blessing and one that I intend to embrace wholeheartedly until my last days, whilst hopefully being able to share that passion with my children and grand children.
Hopefully you will enjoy viewing some of my images.
This work is protected under the Australian Copyright Act 1968. Action available to me under the Act will be enforced for any identified illegal use of my images. Images on this site may be available for private/editorial/commercial use in digital & print formats.
For use or purchase of this image in digital or print format please email me at:
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